What people are saying




November 20, 2009

“WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT? is a deceptively simple question that Mattison Grey of Greystone Guides posed at the start of the first and every conversation we’ve had since 2007, when she coached me through a major career transition that began when I closed a successful direct marketing business without a clue about what was next. Mattison challenges all of her clients to go for what they really want with honesty, respect, wisdom, creativity and, what helps in the challenging times, a great sense of humor. When Mattison helped me to see an opportunity in something I found merely frustrating, a new business was born. Playing full-out with Mattison yields amazing things. Nancy McCabe, Founding President, The Business Book Club, Connecting People With Great Ideas”

Nancy McCabe

Nancy worked with  Mattison as a busines Coach in 2007, 2008, 2009

Top qualities: Expert, High Integrity, Creative

June 7, 2008

“When I first met Mattison I was seeking to bring a coaching solution to the leadership team of the company I worked for. Mattison followed my curiosity for coaching and made me think about coaching in a different way. She inspired me to pursue certification in coaching and I completed her Coach Certification Program at the University of Houston. One thing led to another and I hired Mattison as my coach because I wanted to do something really big. I wasn’t sure what that was exactly when I hired her, but I knew that if anyone could help me tap into my brilliance, it was her. Three months later, I quit my job and launched my own company. I haven’t looked back! Mattison is a master at facilitating the growth and change we desire. Thanks to her I am doing what I am passionate about and making a difference.” June 7, 2008

Kathi Crawford, SPHR, IAC-CC

Kathi hired Mattison as a Career Coach in 2007 and hired Mattison more than once

Top qualities: Expert, High Integrity, Creative

“Mattison Grey is an amazing executive coach. I recommend hiring her, if you are interested in performing at the highest level, understanding what really drives your performance, and creating an environment for success. She is a great person who does great things for her clients. The program that she taylor made for me has carried me into a new level of production and I continue to build on the lessons learned and the expereince of working with a high end, professional, executive coach who cares about her clients success.” June 10, 2008

Chris Laakso

Financial Advisor

Chris hired Mattison as a Career Coach in 2005 and hired Mattison more than once

“There has never been a better career coach than Mattison. I had several other experiences of being coached in my career, so I got to feel the contrast, and I realize what makes Mattison’s work so superlative, so perfect for me. She has the tools and skills, that she turned over to me, that helped me to honor what my true heart’s passion is, and so through her, I developed into the leader of my own work and my own project, which I am so passionate about, that I will not let the obstacles,breakdowns be a stop. I am so tuned into now, what I want, that I am well on my way to being a success on a continent, that I have not lived on for 20 years.” September 13, 2006

Annie Linnea Sherwood

Annie Linnea hired Mattison as a Business Coach in 2004 and 2005

Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert

“I met Mattison when she spoke on Curiosity at a seminar. She gave an on-the-spot demonstration by interviewing an audience member to determine what they really wanted. I was amazed at how quickly she worked, ignoring all the ‘I think should…’, ‘My parents wanted me to…’, and ‘Everyone always said I should…” statements. It was the same when I hired her to be my Coach. And once we discovered that I really wanted to live in Bali, and that I was a ‘pleasure chick’, Mattison coached me through my first tentative steps as an entrepreneur. She listened to, and ignored, all of my excuses for why I couldn’t do what I really wanted. She explained the difference between fear and excitement. She taught me the value of service. When necessary, she generously referred me to others of her same caliber for training outside of her area of expertise. And, most importantly, she kept me in action. No more analysis-paralysis. It was more Ready-Fire-Aim. Followed immediately by ‘What worked? What did not work?’ And getting back into action.”

Tandy Ringoringo

Owner, Expanding Visions

“Mattison has a way of helping people do what they want to do – even when they don’t know what they want to do. Mattison doesn’t just know how to get people to be their best, but she inspires them to find what their best really is. She helps people do their brilliance – and in the process, she is doing her brilliance!” February 25, 2008

Bonnie Crowder

Bonnie hired Mattison as a Career Coach in 2006 {1}

Top qualities: Expert, High Integrity, Creative

“When I first met Mattison I was seeking to bring a coaching solution to the leadership team of the company I worked for. Mattison followed my curiosity for coaching and made me think about coaching in a different way. She inspired me to pursue certification in coaching and I completed her Coach Certification Program at the University of Houston. One thing led to another and I hired Mattison as my coach because I wanted to do something really big. I wasn’t sure what that was exactly when I hired her, but I knew that if anyone could help me tap into my brilliance, it was her. Three months later, I quit my job and launched my own company. I haven’t looked back! Mattison is a master at facilitating the growth and change we desire. Thanks to her I am doing what I am passionate about and making a difference.” June 7, 2008

Kathi Crawford, SPHR, IAC-CC

Kathi hired Mattison as a Career Coach in 2007 and hired Mattison more than once

Top qualities: Expert, High Integrity, Creative

“Mattison Grey is an amazing executive coach. I recommend hiring her, if you are interested in performing at the highest level, understanding what really drives your performance, and creating an environment for success. She is a great person who does great things for her clients. The program that she taylor made for me has carried me into a new level of production and I continue to build on the lessons learned and the expereince of working with a high end, professional, executive coach who cares about her clients success.” June 10, 2008

Chris Laakso

Financial Advisor

Chris hired Mattison as a Career Coach in 2005 and hired Mattison more than once

Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert

“Mattison gets to the heart of what I think I want and shows me how to laser in my focus to get what I really want… You Rock Mattison, Thank you!” August 11, 2008

Jane Saylor

Jane hired Mattison as a Business Consultant in 2005 and hired Mattison more than once

Top qualities: Great Results, High Integrity, Creative

“Mattison’s coaching skills are beyond any coaching I have received. She is incredibly knowledgable, detailed, yet friendly and direct. She opened my eyes to things that have changed the way I see myself and my business. God bless you, Mattison. Your work is priceless!” April 3, 2008

Tiffany Bauer

Tiffany hired Mattison as a Business Consultant in 2005 and hired Mattison more than once

Top qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity

“Mattison is a brilliant business coach. Not only does she understand entrepreneurship and business, she also understand people and what makes them tick. Her insight is amazing. She has been extremely useful to me and my business!” August 30, 2008

Jonathan Manske

Jonathan hired Mattison as a Business Consultant in 2004 and hired Mattison more than once

Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert


Alison Brandt

Top qualities: Personable, Expert, Creative

“I was fortunate to attend a summit this past week that featured Mattison as a speaker. She was totally engaging, personable, creative, and a clear expert on the subject of coaching. If you lead people through an organization, and want those people to do their best, consider Mattison as your guide. She is a great coach, with tremendous insight. Thanks Mattison!” August 31, 2009

August 31, 2009

“I recently hired Mattison to be the keynote presenter at our Annual Summit and the feedback from the participants has been outstanding. Working with experienced professionals who have seen everything, Mattison brought new concepts to the table with a highly impactful teaching style. Thank you Mattison.” August 31, 2009

Eric Lejeune

Eric hired Mattison as a Career Coach in 2003 and 2009 and hired you more than once

Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, Creative

February 18, 2009

“As program chair of ABWA Galleria chapter, it is my job to find speakers who will provide real value. Mattison was our kickoff speaker for 2009. She gave a unique and inspiring presentation on goal setting. Refreshingly not the same old stuff, but rather a unique and different viewpoint of much more use than the usual “goal setting is good” variety. Everyone present benefitted from her talk. Clearly Mattison is a person with the ability to see processes deeply and clearly.”

Daniel Krohn

Owner, Law Office of Daniel Krohn