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The Problem with Goals

5 Feb

The problem with goals is we often achieve them.

We use our smarts, our will, our cunning, and our business acumen to do what we set out to do.    We will often stay the course to achieve something that may no longer be relevant or important in the big picture.  We let our goal of achievement get the better of us when a change in course, a completely different strategy or goal would have been so much better.

It happens all the time:  While single mindedly focusing on our goals we miss something that comes along that would have been so much better.  Sometimes we don’t even see it, other times we see it and disregard it.    Why?  Because we are determined to make that goal, DARN IT!   Now don’t get me wrong, getting things done and keeping your word are important, but not at the expense of having a better life, making more money, or having more fun.  I have to remind my clients of this all the time.  The question for you is…what goals are you holding on to that are limiting what you can achieve?